Politics is often seen as a dirty business. In recent times there have been many scandals that have made the general public apathetic towards the political system.
In the past the Church and the state had been very much been linked, with the Church in charge of issues such as education and healthcare. In the current day this is no longer the case. The rise of the welfare state in the last few centuries has meant that state’s influence has grown and the Church’s impact on these issues has deteriorated. Many secularists would argue that this is the way it should be and that the Church has no place in policy, but is this really the case?
Many secularists would argue that the Church has no place in policy.
Do Christians and Politics Go Together? |
What I am not saying is that all Christians need to run to be local councillors or MPs. There are some who are called to do this, but others who are called to other activities that you may not even regard as political. As mentioned by Dave Rose, if you give to or help your local foodbank in any way, you can argue that you are politically active. Foodbanks are a massive issue for the government at the moment, and by aiding one, you are showing the government that there is a need to help some members of the public further. This form of social activism is very much deep-rooted within politics, and requires Christians to be active to bring about change.
If there is a lot of crime in your area, you shouldn’t be afraid to speak up and ask your local MP what can be done about it. Some may quote the passage – ‘Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord”’ (Romans 12:19). But there is very much a difference between vengeance and justice, and God is very much concerned with the latter. Theologian Russell D. Moore remarks that ‘God tells us we should be concerned with justice’ and gives the example of ‘the apostle Paul pleading his case all the way up to Caesar’. This suggests that being politically active to achieve justice is not wrong, and is not something we should be afraid to do.
... Praying for those in governance is a form of political activity
There is even the argument that praying for those in governance is a form of political activity. Paul urges that – ‘supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.’ (1 Timothy 2:1-2). I would say that this is the absolute minimum. If any form of other political activity is not possible, praying that political leaders would make correct decisions is the one thing that we all have the obligation to do.
Whilst the government may not always do what we believe is best, they have been put in place by God for his purposes. Paul affirms this stating – ‘Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.’ If that is the case, it will be our prayers and involvement in politics that will influence the people that God has put in place, so it is important that we as Christians are active in politics in some form or another.
Source: Do Christians and Politics Go Together?