Just how entrenched is China in Africa these days? The Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing in September...
Politics is often seen as a dirty business. In recent times there have been many scandals that have made the general public apathetic towards the political system.
Do Christians and Politics Go Together?
Here are 10 reasons why Christians should vote: Voting publicly recognises that we submit to the authority of the political system in our nation as established by God. (Romans 13:1-7)
Reasons Christians Should Vote
Here at Zimbabwe Elections 2018, we’ve heard all the excuses of why Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics. Five stand out as the most common.
Reasons Christians Should Vote
To supervise elections of the President of the Senate and the Speaker and to ensure that those ... More Functions Here.
Zimbabwe Electoral Commission will advise the public when registration resumes ... Check Voter's Roll Here.
The voters roll is a document in which all persons who have registered as voters are listed ... About The Voter's Roll.
Have there been any Changes which will Make These Elections Different? There have been some significant ... Check FAQ Here.
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